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One Board Media is a Polish media company which create news and entertainment websites. The media is our passion so we make such websites that we are proud of and we present such issues that we would like to read ourselves. We run an editor’s office on the Internet where we provide our own press material and valuable issues to meet the needs of our readers.
Our company is developing dynamically and its portfolio is widened gradually by adding further new websites regarding sport, motorization, technology and entertainment. At the moment in our portfolio there are two websites – Web Magazyn and Format Sportowy.
Web Magazyn
WebMagazyn.pl is an internet business portal which focuses on the most important information and comments regarding economy, financial markets, low or real estates. Every day the most interesting issues based on the Polish part of Internet, are published on our pages. We help to understand current trends in economy as well as all processes and mechanics ruling the present financial market.
Format Sportowy
FormatSportowy.pl presents the newest information and interesting facts regarding sport, but in different light. The most important sport news, opinions, feature articles, statistics, interesting facts – all of that you can find on pages of Format Sportowy.
This project assumes the creation of comfortable and easily accessible working conditions in our publishing office in internet and thus, the assistance in creating the professional ambitions of people at danger of social exclusion.
As a result, these activities are aimed at supporting the process of becoming independent and improving the quality of living conditions of people with disabilities and what is more, supporting the building of necessary professional qualifications and skills.
You can see the composition of our team here.
The premise of this socially friendly project is to help more and more people. To do this, we are constantly looking for partners who would like to join us. This would allow our project to move forward and expand. And also you can support us and become a part of this project by purchasing one of the advertising options.
If you do not decide to buy any, you still can help us by visiting and reading our websites and passing on information about our project. We would be happy to start co-operation also in a wider range. All you need to do is to write to us, and we will get back to you.